Hello, Am Scam

A message someone sent this morning in response to my Etsy shop:


Am sheridan,am interested in getting your items,am a major dealer in ancient and modern woman accesories and its import and export,will like to know if you can them get in bulk,because am willing to buy in large quantity hope the price is affordable for retail.and also its guarantee of good quality and warantee.will like you to reply so as to know how and where to get the product and the payments etc payment is through bank transfer or money order.thanks

Thanks alot


I thought about writing a long critique about how you’re an idiot if you think you can get away with scamming someone by throwing some text through an online translator. But then I realized that these scams must work on someone, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. Then I thought about writing how this scam message actually made me realize that there truely are real people writing these atrocious poxes of grammatical evil rather than one Spam Demon. But then I realized I still have no proof that this wasn’t the fault of the Great Overlord Spam Demon. So, I guess I’ll just let the message stand alone since I feel it properly conveys all the ideas in my head without any needed explanation.

Oh, and I’m feeling really tired and lazy and should technically be editing atrocious poxes of grammatical evil to actually make a difference in this world&#8212or at least, in the greater UW community.