
Things I miss from Rome, in no particular order of importance:

1. Eating gelato on the fountain facing the Pantheon
2. Being able to walk anywhere I need to be in less than twenty minutes
3. The monks chanting on Sundays in the church connected to my apartment
4. The accordion boy
5. The sounds of street musicians wafting through open windows
6. Real pizza
7. Gelato of any flavor imaginable
8. Fresh mozzarella (it’s indescribably wonderful)
9. The ability to buy fresh market fruit every day but Sunday
10. Street vendors
11. The chatty waiters who try to get customers from those walking by on the street
12. Siestas
13. Strong mixed drinks, even though they taste like shit
14. Cobblestones, wobblestones
15. Pretending I’m a German or Canadian tourist when bitchy
16. Glaring at the asshole Americans who think I’m German and don’t know English
17. The game of finding working Bancomats (ATMs)
18. Trying to strut sexily and having no one laugh because they think it’s the cobblestones
19. Walking into traffic like a real Italian and having the tourists dumbly watch cars stop or swerve around me while not honking

I’ll return one day, but damn, I’m glad to be back in Seattle.