I’m what I call a “reviser”. I’d like to say that I have all of my college courses to thank for this, but I know that isn’t true. Ever since I found I loved writing (age of 11), I lingered over every word, tasting it and then changing it until I found the perfect one. Two days later, what I had written went into my scrap notebook and I started anew.
Anyway, my problem is this: every time I write a post for this site, I work really hard on it and then post it. The issue I’m having is that when I read the post over the next day before I post something else, I have problems with some of the word placement, etc. I then re-write my previous post and re-publish it, forcing myself never to look at it again lest I want to re-write yet another time.
I was quite happy with how the first part of “Defeated” turned out, but I’m very unsatisfied with the second part and have not been able to move on to the third and final part until I’m happier with the middle of the story. That said, I am going to revise Part II tonight and then start on Part III. After this, I’m going to pass a new rule for myself regarding this site; I will no longer revise anything once it is posted. I’m still new to this blogging thing and am struggling a bit with how different it is from my usual writing habits (which consist of nothing unless I take a class to force myself to write), but I think that it’s been helping kick me in the butt to write and is a valuable tool for my improvement. Hopefully, over time, I’ll get better at forming my sentences and choosing that perfect word from the beginning with my new rule. If not, oh well. I can always revise stories written outside of this blog.
By the way, Tyler brought home a lovely new printer for me yesterday. I was expecting an older model HP printer that would have been collecting dust somewhere in his house, but this was actually a still packaged beauty that had supposedly been special ordered for Steve Jobs and somehow didn’t make it to him. Instead, it sat in Tyler’s father’s office (he’s some sort of VP for HP) and collected dust. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Well, to dash the impressive quality a bit, the special order consisted of changing the front cover, which is designed to have a photo of your choice on it, from the standard shipping cover to one with a jaguar print. I suppose this was in honor of the jaguar version of OS X. I love my new printer and have now defiled its Steve Jobsness by hooking it up to my PC. I figure it won’t go to printer hell, just purgatory, as I will also print from my iBook on it.
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