Week in Links: The Swedes Augment Reality

Ikea Adds Augmented Reality to 2013 Catalog – Mashable:

Ikea has added augmented reality to its 2013 catalog with new features that let consumers access films, interactive experience and photo galleries with their smartphones.

Mashable has uncovered one more way that the Swedes are taking over the world. Ikea’s yearly catalog is already my grown-up version of the Sears Holiday Wish Book, and this is going to drain more of my time (and iPhone battery power).

Geeking About Storytelling with Joss Whedon – i09:

Joss Whedon is in the unique position of being both a cult icon and a huge mainstream creator, thanks to projects like Firefly and The Avengers. But both halves of his success spring from his ability to create addictive stories, that leave you desperate to know what happens next.

The Geek God, Joss Whedon, answers some interesting questions about transitioning stories between different mediums (film to TV to comics). But what I really wanted them to ask: Why is Dr. Horrible and Firefly so good while Dollhouse left me collapsed on the floor in a pool of vomit?

The Silent History: New Digital Story Project Inspired by “The Wire” – Melville House Books:

The former publisher of McSweeney’s, Eli Horowitz, along with Russell Quinn, Matthew Derby and Kevin Moffett have a new digital reading platform called The Silent History, which is designed with the circumambulatory nature of storytelling in mind, more so than a straight-forward linear format.

I haven’t been this excited about an interactive story since I first heard about Zombies, Run! a year ago. The fact that readers can add their own supplements to the story via “Field Reports” makes this project sound even more amazetrain.

Every Friday, I highlight links from the week—all related to writing, storytelling, and plain ol’ books. Some of the links I love, some of the links I don’t, but I believe all are worth reading and discussing. If you’re the type to eat dessert before dinner, you can get these and much, much more by following me on Twitter: @messemi.

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